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- 自分のイギリス英語を客観的に評価したい。
- イギリス英語発音の学習に役立てたい。
- 手っ取り早く評価が欲しい。
課題(Part AとPart Bの2部構成)
【Part A】イギリス英語パート
can’t / make / world / daughter / dominant / mature / motive / there / tomato / focus /
quarter / hot / talk / weather / totally / here / work / turn / call / cake /
2. イギリス英語子音(一語ずつ、単語を読みなさい)
letter / better / bottle / water / settle
You can use “far” in expressions like ‘as far as I know’ and so far as I remember to indicate that you are not absolutely sure of the statement you are about to make or have just made, and you may be wrong.
「Collins Dictionary 「far」の紹介より」
【Part B】一般英語パート
課題文① 以下の文章を音読しなさい(カッコ内の指示があれば指示に従うこと)
- I like playing sports such as basketball, baseball and football.
- Although I have never visited London, I know how to get on the London tube.
- Have you ever been to Cambridge? (語尾が上げ調子の疑問文)
- I‘ve been to Oxford during my stay. (Oxfordを強調して)
課題文② 以下の文章を音読しなさい
As the Great Resignation grinds on, and the arrival of 2022 makes you think about transitions, you may well be getting itchy feet at work. It’s understandable, as January tends to be a popular time for employment changes. This is reinforced by a wave of post-holiday news stories and chatter about making the leap from a current job.
Why there‘s no ’best‘ month to quit your job - BBC Worklife より